Why Rebranding Your Business is Important (and Why We Did It!)
Does anyone still think of Will Smith as the teenage goofball from Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, known for his eccentric dance moves and witty one-liners? 

Probably not… 

They think of him as the brilliant and emotional single dad in The Pursuit of Happyness or the smooth-talking muscle in the Bad Boys franchise. Without rebranding himself, Will may have been typecast as a silly ladies’ man who is rarely taken seriously. 

Many celebrities take a shot at rebranding themselves for one reason or another, and many companies do the same thing. 

3 Big Business Rebrand Examples

There are plenty of companies that feel their brand or image no longer reflects their company principles, mission and vision, or services. After all, the world of business constantly shifts and evolves. And in an effort to shift and keep up with the times and the competition, businesses need to pivot, and in many cases, they are forced to rebrand.

1. Dunkin’

One common rebranding strategy is updating their name or changing their logo. A perfect example of this is none other than the connoisseurs of coffee, Dunkin’ Donuts.

Originally known for their coffee and donut expertise, Dunkin’ Donuts has been a powerhouse across the world for over seven decades. After deciding to update and expand their menu to include additional meal options in early 2019, they dropped the “Donuts” from most of their branding and began to refer to themselves as simply Dunkin’. This change allowed them to communicate to the world that they are no longer strictly a coffee and donut shop.

Dunkin’ was ready for the rebranding to impact their sales, and they made some changes and saw some significant positive results from their efforts. They began building their non-coffee drinking consumer base, expanded their social media presence to engage with a younger audience, and improved their drive-thru processes to handle a larger volume of customers.

2. Netflix

When brands are forced to change their business models to keep up with the evolving world around them, this often sparks a rebranding strategy. Another company that did this wisely—and is the reason for the dent in my couch—is Netflix

Netflix began as a “Blockbuster on wheels”-like delivery service that would snail-mail DVDs directly to your door. Now, as a dual streaming service and production company, they are the largest entertainment and media company by market cap. A title I don’t think they would have obtained had they not rebranded themselves away from strictly being a DVD delivery service. They looked into the future and capitalized on the needs of the consumer. According to Netflix’s former VP of Product Management, Gibson Biddle:

“Netflix differentiated itself by really pushing on convenience, selection, and value — we went from a DVD delivery service to streaming TV shows and movies instantly on hundreds of devices for just $8 a month.”

Company rebranding can be very beneficial if planned and executed correctly. It can help grow your consumer base, inform customers about new products or services, or simply show that you’re not going anywhere.

3. The Livestrong Foundation

However, not every company sparks a rebranding strategy for positive reasons. In some unfortunate cases, companies rebrand due to negative attention or publicity, controversy or to attempt to recover from a bad reputation.

For example, in 2012, Lance Armstrong was accused of and found guilty of using performance-enhancing drugs, stripped of his Tour de France titles, and banned from professional cycling. 

As a result, he resigned as Chairman from the Lance Armstrong Foundation, which provides support to those affected by cancer. Then, in 2013, the foundation’s name changed to the Livestrong Foundation. Though revenue took a significant hit since Armstrong’s guilty plea, the foundation continues to support cancer victims and survivors.

Several years later, the Livestrong Foundation managed to escape most of the “smoke” until a documentary regarding Armstrong’s scandal was released in 2020. Rather than hiding from the attention, the Livestrong Foundation stepped into the spotlight, addressed the affiliation, and demonstrated a positive presence by Tweeting this statement:

“People with cancer still need our help. And we never stopped helping. Since 1997, #Livestrong raised over $580 million for cancer programs & services supporting over 8.7 million cancer survivors. #LivestrongImpact”. 

Even though people still associate them with the former professional cyclist, the name change proved to be an easier way for the foundation to carry on. 

What’s New with Jaguar?

As you have likely noticed, we recently partially rebranded.

But don’t worry, we haven’t been associated with any scandal or controversy. 

We’re excited to announce that as of Thursday, September 23rd, 2021, Jaguar Media Solutions and Consulting, Inc. is officially and legally Jaguar Business Solutions and Consulting, Inc.

Why the Jaguar?

We’ve been asked before, “Why the JAGUAR? 

JAGUAR – A bold, courageous, and beautiful animal. Everything we want to represent in our work for our clients. (And, yes, “JAG” also represents the initials of our fearless leader, Julie Anne Gniadek.) 

BUSINESS SOLUTIONS – When Julie started this business back in 2011, her vision for the company was vague and a little blurry. Not only has the market changed over the years, but her business has taken on a life of its own. By substituting “Media” for “Business”, we believe this is a more inclusive term that better reflects the different services we provide our clients

Though this is a small change, we think it’s an important one. We believe our new name is more in line with our mission and vision, accurately reflects our products and services as well as the direction in which our company is headed. 

In addition to providing varying levels of project management support, writing content, and creating content campaign strategies for clients—you know, the services many of our clients have grown to know and love—we have expanded our service base to include the following:

Small Business Consulting

If you’re trying to overcome a specific challenge or roadblock in your business, or you want to achieve a particular goal, work with a trustworthy small business consultant. We will help you develop a strategy that arms you with what you need to conquer your challenges and achieve your biggest business goals. 

Here are some of the specific deliverables that our clients can expect to receive from our consulting services and engagements:

  • Measurable goals and objectives
  • Scalable business growth strategies (through people and processes)
  • A complete project plan, roadmap, and timeline
  • A business process management plan
  • A digital transformation plan
  • Strategies to improve team productivity
  • Creative solutions to challenges

Small Business Coaching

Different from consulting, small business coaching services focus more on individual personal growth and development. If entrepreneurs need help with finding motivation, boosting productivity, or becoming a better leader, working with a small business coach can not only give you tips and tricks to help you but also provide a layer of accountability that you need to put things into action.

Here are some things you can get out of working with a small business coach:

  • Measurable goals and objectives
  • Time management strategies (tailored to individual learning and working styles)
  • Encouragement, motivation, and support
  • Tactics for boosting productivity, combating procrastination, and overcoming distractions
  • A level of accountability
  • A success-oriented mindset
  • A plan for execution
  • Creative problem-solving tactics

Business Process Management

Every company is unique in its own way, which means the processes that support them must also be unique. That said, business process management is not only growing in demand, but it happens to be one area we specialize in. We work with teams to develop, build, map, and optimize workflows and processes that improve productivity and efficiency. We also work with teams to build frameworks, process optimization models, and leverage software and tools.

  • Set achievable and measurable goals and objectives
  • Build and document processes and workflows
  • Communicate and train departments and teams on new processes
  • Build knowledge bases to organize supporting process documentation and training material
  • Build and automate processes using existing and new tools and systems
  • Develop and implement a process optimization model and continuous improvement (CI) plan

We Want to Hear From You!

If any of our new or existing services are in line with your business needs, or you’d like to learn more about Jaguar, please schedule your free consultation. We’ll be happy to help lead you and your team to victory!